by grassdmin8 | Dec 8, 2010 | Crop Research, Grass, Grasshopper Research & Development
2009 Excel Test HS928 Crop: Bermuda Grass Test Plot Location: Sharp Ranch Hagansport, TX Soil Type: Gumbo, Sand Planting Methods: NA Agronomists, Crop Scouts, Facilitators or Witnesses: Mr. G.W. Sharp Mr. J.E. Minoletti Objective: The objective of this result... by grassdmin8 | Dec 8, 2010 | Crop Research, Grass, Grasshopper Research & Development, University & Independent Studies
2009 Soil Fertility Comparison Study in Bermuda Grass Pastures Conducted by: Texas AgriLife Extension Service County Agents for: Wood, Rains, Smith, Upshur, and Van Zandt Counties and Extension Forage Specialist in Overton Summary: Fertilizers have been proven to be...