TN Wheat – Early 2014

I applied 50 units of liquid nitrogen last fall and another 50 units late February. Then, I applied 1.5 gallons of Slow Ride 15-0-12 in early April. The wheat looks great – some of the best we’ve seen! Denton Farms, Belvidere, TN

Mojo Lime success story from Winnsboro

8 Days After Liquid Lime Attached is a side-by-side comparison photo where I sprayed Mojo Lime. The picture was taken 8 days after the Lime was applied. I applied 2.5 gallons of Mojo Lime diluted in 30 gallons of water per acre. Prior to the application, both fields...

Tobacco in Youngsville, North Carolina

I operate Triple R Farms; During the 2013 tobacco growing season we had extreme rains which stressed the crop–it began to show signs of water damage—we began to apply 1 application of Grasshopper fertilizer—within a few days the crop began to improve...

Grasshopper Fertilizer Tobacco Application

I grow 175 acres of tobacco on my Nash County, North Carolina Farm. During the month of June we had 21 inches or more of rainfall. I applied the Grasshopper foliar application to 80 acres and within 3 days you could see a noticeable greener texture to the leaf...

Cotton Trial in Thomas County, GA

Mojo Lime was applied at a rate of 2.5 gal per acre on both plots, 1 week prior to planting. A variable rate fertilizer protocol (that was common to the area and soil type) was applied to both plots: 60 units of nitrogen and 30 units of potassium. At mid season,...