Pop-Up Fertilizer Comparison on Corn

From a Grower in Lake City, FL. 3 gallons of NuCrop 8-24-6 Starter was applied in furrow. A comparable rate of a competitor’s starter was applied in the neighboring plot. There was a very noticeable difference between the 2 plots in germination, uniformity,...

Winnsboro, TX Bermuda Grass

1st Field – No Fertilizer 2nd Field – Chicken Litter (2 tons/acre) 3rd Field – Grasshopper 30-8-10 at 12.5 lbs/acre The field that had 30-8-10 applied is ready to be cut while the other fields still have a long way to go. The grasshoppers (insects,...

Texas Tough Bermuda Grass

We planted Texas Tough earlier this spring. We applied Mojo K20 after we worked the ground for pH adjustment and to supplement potash. Once the grass was 6-8″ tall, we applied Grasshopper 19-19-19. Within 2 months after planting, this Texas Tough has established...

Georgia Cotton – June 2013

The only Grasshopper product that has been applied so far is Mojo Lime at a rate of 2.5 gal per acre. Next week, we will apply NuCrop 12-6-6 with Micros. I will be sending over some test and control photos. I’m very impressed with the stand we have. I think this...

NC Corn – May 2013

Pioneer 1319 Planted 4/13/2013 pop: 34,500 sprayed in Grasshopper 42-0-0 May 13 ,2013 2ac/bag .7 inch of rain Thursday, May 23,2013 I am very thankful to the Lord for this crop and those of you that have a part in it. All of it looks...