This is where we sprayed the 30-8-10 at 12.5 lb per acre on ryegrass, bermuda, and clover mixed pasture. This lot is grazed as a 4 acre block in rotation. This had one application of 100lb per acre of dry blend 20-8-8 on 4-30. grazed two times and pulled off on 5-12, bushhogged appx 4″ high and had 30-8-10 applied on 5-7 on one half of this block. On 5-15 twenty two 500 wt steers were put back on this block. The side applied with foliar had deep green color with lush vegetative growth. The other side of this block had very little in the way of lush vegetation. The cool season grasses had put up stems and were producing seed heads instead of leaf mass. The warm season grasses were not showing the vigor that they were in the treated section and had a pale green color at best. I was pleased with the color and growth of the foliar applied grasses, but was surprised at the maturity differences with the same weather conditions between the two sections. Not to mention the fact the cattle have no interest in grazing the maturing grasses. If they don’t convert it into wt its worthless. In a rotational situation I would say the best money spent would be to put the foliar on when the cattle come off a pasture. I can see a faster turn around with less fertilizer expense.

You can tell by the pictures and the grass color which were treated and not.

Chris Talley

Talley Farms