The Impact of Corn in 2013

Source: Farmgate blog January 24, 2013 Your planting decision may already have been made and the seed ordered. Whether that is the case or not, will you be planting more corn? Corn is more profitable per acre than soybeans, and more profitable than most cropping...

Prices Steady for Products in 2013

Allison Floyd, Growing Georgia Magazine, January 23, 2013 Farmers will see prices remain much the same as last year or rise a little, University of Georgia agricultural economists are expected to tell folks at a series of talks over the next two weeks. The annual...

Hay Supplies Tight, Prices To Stay High

Hay stocks are “incredibly low,” says ag economist Rick Mooney, Hay & Forage Grower, January 22, 2013 Expect hay supplies to stay on the tight side and prices to remain high through the months ahead based on reports of year-end hay stocks and 2012...