The U.S. soybean industry exports more than half of its annual production. Without these exports – valued most recently at $16 billion – fewer profit opportunities would exist for U.S. soybean farmers. To help ensure these export markets, it’s important to give international customers what they demand.

“International purchasers ask for a ‘preview’ of the U.S. soybean crop before they start purchasing new-crop soybeans each year,” says Seth Naeve, University of Minnesota Extension soybean agronomist. “Buyers want general information about the overall U.S. crop and how it will compare with soybeans from other countries.”

U.S. soybean farmers can help demonstrate the quality of U.S. soy by sending in a sample of their new crop soybeans. About 10,000 soybean farmers will receive kits by mail. Others can request a sample kit directly by contacting Naeve at or by phone at 612-625-5772. In exchange for a sample, farmers will receive a free analysis of the protein and oil content of the new-crop soybeans they submit.

“Soybean farmers can use this information to evaluate their choices of varieties and their production practices,” says Naeve. “The easiest way for farmers to improve the quality of their own soybean crop is to choose high-yielding varieties that also possess above-average protein and oil concentrations.”